![Logo Arcostile mini](https://arcostile.it/deefumac/elementor/thumbs/logo-toro-mini-otv5anfvysx2mhlplogxzfjca0kw6inivhqx30zeae.jpg)
Back Quivers
![Faretra da spalla cuoio](https://arcostile.it/deefumac/elementor/thumbs/spago1-otv5hr40j2m10vrv9b8irlcc25g69fvochj8rlm1se.jpg)
![Faretra da spalla cuoio](https://arcostile.it/deefumac/elementor/thumbs/spago2-otv8kwiz12s5dfforep8jhghlo9h1no1mszmqktwwq.jpg)
Spago - FS 301 - € 130,00
This quiver is designed to bring together all the technical skills necessary for easy shooting management.
It adheres to the back with a flat surface. The adjustable double shoulder strap on both sides and the high buttoning on the shoulder prevent movement and fall back.
h cm. 55 – l cm.13
![Back Quiver](https://arcostile.it/deefumac/elementor/thumbs/Spaky-1-ovxkpmwkl1yvcm16063d7anqz6e6r164kzgab7fzbi.jpg)
![Back Quiver](https://arcostile.it/deefumac/2020/09/Spaky-2-1.jpg)
Spaky - FS 302 - € 120,00
h cm. 55 – l cm. 10
![Faretra da spalla in cuoio](https://arcostile.it/deefumac/elementor/thumbs/sinew1-otv8kqvxal057xxds1e6u25cshakjd4mao708ljkag.jpg)
![Faretra da spalla in cuoio](https://arcostile.it/deefumac/elementor/thumbs/sinew2-otv5gx15s9312k1qsoazsug92lx1crsaz4a29he5pg.jpg)
![Faretra da spalla in cuoio](https://arcostile.it/deefumac/elementor/thumbs/sinew3-otv8zg3380txrwtfe6gx57vbla1fu8hm16cxomb64m.jpg)
Sinew TA - FS 313 - € 220,00
Quiver with highly sought-after workmanship, enriched by reinforcement tape.
The seams are done by hand with a sinew-effect wire.
The large purse completes the set of this authentic off-series.
h cm. 51 – l cm.15
Sinew - FS 306 - € 150,00
It has the same design as the Sinew TA, without application of the front bag.
![Faretra da spalla in cuoio](https://arcostile.it/deefumac/elementor/thumbs/titan1-otv5i57lh3fwx9000dd6xcwpmor680y0rjp72y31cq.jpg)
![Faretra da spalla in cuoio](https://arcostile.it/deefumac/elementor/thumbs/titan2-otv5i8yy8fl27oujeezp7byk088n2tcy42b501xgnu.jpg)
![Faretra da spalla in cuoio](https://arcostile.it/deefumac/elementor/thumbs/titan3-otv5ibshfqmkrteup3gi8uaynkk911ybvyz78lg1qc.jpg)
![Faretra da spalla in cuoio](https://arcostile.it/deefumac/elementor/thumbs/titan4-otv5ido56lqbgzrfrhyfzosqkw7dlwvutle907mhz8.jpg)
![Faretra da spalla in cuoio](https://arcostile.it/deefumac/elementor/thumbs/titan5-otv5ighnavob0wv3ojke8be0poj2rlcbgpnvyzbtb4.jpg)
Titan - FS 309 - € 340,00
An extremely capacious quiver for the transport of arrows, accessories, comfort food and even the disassembled bow. If you look at it well, you will find that it took more than 700 holes and 1400 stitches,
all well supported by the cross shoulder strap.
h cm. 52 – l cm. 20
![Faretra da spalla in cuoio](https://arcostile.it/deefumac/elementor/thumbs/ovix1-otv5d2uwbe8ymyymljirlhoqnil7g9qwy88uqr1ftc.jpg)
![Faretra da spalla in cuoio](https://arcostile.it/deefumac/elementor/thumbs/ovix2-otv5d5ofkw7g33x7420fy581ryg3f9jb4hwf8xafbk.jpg)
![Faretra da spalla in cuoio](https://arcostile.it/deefumac/elementor/thumbs/ovix3-otv8jpae5fone8b47zk88n1s6zpgetfjbbu1ci9sy8.jpg)
Ovix - FS 304 - € 135,00
A quiver with cross-shoulder strap for excellent stability during shooting and movement.
Its shape makes it compact and capacious at the same time.
h cm. 55 – l cm.12
![Faretra da spalla in cuoio](https://arcostile.it/deefumac/elementor/thumbs/cima1-otv56x0zjde2lnfpk3qcv09mikpe6gts6s2kl8rubi.jpg)
![Faretra da spalla in cuoio](https://arcostile.it/deefumac/elementor/thumbs/cima2-otv570see4z8x9nktoz2e29ehp0ytcsnlt2nomr7py.jpg)
Cima - FS 303 - € 125,00
The original design of this quiver enhances to the maximum the natural veins, thickness and soft hand of our leather. Equipped with a single shoulder strap.
h cm. 50 – l cm.14
![trapper1 Faretra da spalla in cuoio](https://arcostile.it/deefumac/elementor/thumbs/trapper1-otv5ivj2viynp7c6b2mcacz7g3sol2y1ri2xc5fd1e.jpg)
![Faretra da spalla in cuoio](https://arcostile.it/deefumac/elementor/thumbs/trapper2-otv5iycnjwbzox0w3vr7h6oiyx56tdllfqpv2ar5e8.jpg)
Trapper - FS 305 - € 145,00
Like all our items, it increases beauty as it gets older. Equipped with a single shoulder strap. h cm. 55 – l cm.16
![Faretra da spalla in nabuk](https://arcostile.it/deefumac/elementor/thumbs/nabuk1-otv8j7ffg45syhoy3iwimwuue5mwmdldcmuftqutku.jpg)
![Faretra da spalla in nabuk](https://arcostile.it/deefumac/elementor/thumbs/nabuk2-otv5bigl7f6kovmin0dggub6e3xwicbvqwg2e181mg.jpg)
Nabuk - FS 307 - € 95,00
A suede leather quiver but excellent in thickness and texture that perfectly structure it for its function.
Equipped with a single shoulder strap.
h cm.60 – l cm.12
Gnomo - FS 308 - € 60,00
A “little back quiver”for children, but made with excellent suede leather and finishes worthy of great archers.
h cm. 45 – l cm. 7 – € 55
![Faretra da spalla in cuoio](https://arcostile.it/deefumac/elementor/thumbs/piume1-otv5ecwzgkrh3bwu9rge79k1k6sjuklmsy50kgny7g.jpg)
![Faretra da spalla in cuoio](https://arcostile.it/deefumac/elementor/thumbs/piume2-otv5egoe8pnber946bv4eeyxnfqj2scc5wb54t0ckk.jpg)
Piume - FS 310 - € 230,00
Made on the Cima model but wider, to allow more space for repoussage.
A big quiver… in every sense. Equipped with a single shoulder strap.
h cm.55 – l cm.20
![Faretra da spalla in cuoio](https://arcostile.it/deefumac/elementor/thumbs/fenice1-otv58vivq6wdiqy561at3gky4fwyas6kmc0ma5wet4.jpg)
![Faretra da spalla in cuoio](https://arcostile.it/deefumac/elementor/thumbs/fenice2-otv8iw5ek3h6is5p1bbru5hzt46vfnynlnz9e2v7gm.jpg)
Fenice - FS 311 - € 230,00
Another example of repoussage on the Cima model.
h cm.55 – l cm.20